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Laboratory|Al-Hayat Medical Center

Dr. Mona Al-Najjar Laboratory Medicine / Clinical Pathology
Dr. Nevin Seyidoglu Laboratory Medicine / Microbiology
  • What does it mean to fast for my blood test?

  • Why is drinking water encouraged?

  • What lab tests require fasting and how long do I need to fast?

  • Do I need to fast or avoid any specific food or drink for urine or stool tests?

  • What can I eat or drink while I fast?

  • Can I drink black coffee, tea or soda during my fast?

  • Can I take my scheduled medications during my fast?

  • How do I collect stool specimen?

  • How do I collect urine specimen?

  • How do I collect a 24-hour urine specimen?

  • What should I do if I get a bruise after having my blood drawn?

  • What are the precautions for collection of proper sample for semen analysis?

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