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Al-Hayat Medical Center | Staff home

Dr. Fawaz Amin Saad General Manager - Obstetrics/Gynecology Senior Consultant
Dr. Huda Khalid Jassim Al-Mohammad Obstetrician Gynecologist
Dr. Ahmad Fawaz Saad Oral Surgeon
Dr. Aml M. Erhuma Obstetrics/Gynecology Consultant
Dr. Hend Meftah Karthuma Obstetrician Gynecologist
Dr. Marwa Amin Saad Pediatrics Disease
Dr. Mohamed Khaled Youssef Tropical Medicine
Dr. Abeer El. Sayad Internal Medicine
Dr. Ahmed Bin Ali General Dentist
Dr. Alia Mahmoud Almasri General Dentist
Dr. Hadi Abouzeid Otorhinolaryngologist
Dr. Samer Rahhal Diagnostic Radiology
Dr. Nevin Seyidoglu Laboratory Medicine / Microbiology
Dr. Mona Al-Najjar Laboratory Medicine / Clinical Pathology
Dr. Rania Aljurdi Pharmacist
Alma Legaspi Lopez Pharmacy Assistant
Emna Guedich Laboratory Technician
Laila Sanichan Laboratory Technician
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